Job Type: | Walk-in |
Company Name: | Makjai Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. |
Contact Person: | MAKARAND MULHERKAR |
Phone: | 09325699001 |
Email: | |
Required in: | Formulation Unit |
Job Department(s): | Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Microbiology, Production, Regulatory Affairs, Stores |
Job Details: |
We have the openings in our formulation unit at Kolhapur facility.
Analytical Chemist - Having the experience of 5 years in formulation QC lab handling HPLC, FTIR, GC, Spectrophotometer.
QA Officer - Having the relevant experience of 5 years in handling QA systems like change control, OOS, OOT, GMP documentation, CAPA, APQR, Deviation and Market complaints handling.
Stores Officer- Having the relevant experience in handling RM/PM, ordering of RM/PM, FIFO, FEFO system controls, Despatch handling, Stock verification.
Production Officer- Having the relevant experience in liquid orals and tablets manufacturing and production. Handling of Filling & Sealing Machine, Linear bottle washing machine, 45 stn compression machine, Auto coater, Granulation dept.
Regulatory Officer- Well versed with all regulatory documentation, Export handling, FDA related liasoning, WHO-GMP exposure.
Regulatory Exposure: | Required |
Audit Experience: | HC |
Experience: | 5 |
Vacancies: | 2 Nos |
Salary Per Annum: |
Decided on the merits and relevant knowledge.
Interview Date: | 10-15 August 2017 |
Additional Details: | NA |
Walk-in for Makjai Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. on 10-15 August 2017
Job Posted on Jul 13, 2017
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