Recruiter Type: | Company |
Company Name: | Abryl Laboratories Private Limited |
Interview Venue: | Chandigarh, Punjab Bhagwanpur, Dera Bassi, Chandigarh India |
Contact Person: | Jayant Singla |
Phone: | +919953312894 |
Email: | |
Required in: | Formulation Unit |
Job Department(s): | Production |
Job Details: | Company: Abryl Laboratories Private Limited Sterile Injectable formulation Plant near Chandigarh Require candidate with good regulatory exposure in the production department for handling upcoming greenfield injectable facility with 2 lines+2 lyos. 1. USFDA exposure required. 2. Stable person, without a lot of job changes. Please send CV to for telephonic interview. |
Regulatory Exposure: | Required |
Audit Experience: | USFDA, MHRA, TGA, ANVISA, WHO |
Experience: | 8-10 Years |
Vacancies: | 1 |
Salary Per Annum: | Best in Industry |
Last Date: | 20/10/2017 |
Additional Details: | This is not a walk-in Please don't share CV if not from a regulated plant We are not taking in freshers. |
Jobs in Production in Abryl Laboratories Private Limited
Job Posted on Oct 6, 2017
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