Recruiter Type: | Company |
Company Name: | Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited |
Address: | Near Baddi University, Village Bhud, Makhnu Majra, Tehsil- Nalagarh, District Solan Baddi, Himachal Pradesh 173205 India |
Contact Person: | Snehal Mehta |
Phone: | 9824301306 |
Email Address: | |
Required in: | Formulation Unit |
Job Department(s): | Quality Control |
Job Title: | Job Opportunity | QC Executive |
Qualification: | M.Sc |
Job Details: | 1. Sampling and analysis of Materials for their parameters as per Standard Testing Procedure and specifications. 2. Fulfillment of log books and others related records. 3. Supporting all QC activities. 4. Experience on instruments like HPLC, GC, AAS, IR, UV, etc. |
Regulatory Exposure: | Required |
Audit Experience: | USFDA, MHRA, TGA, ANVISA |
Experience: | 1-6 |
Vacancies: | 10 |
Last Date: | 31/03/2018 |
Additional Details: | Job Location: Baddi / Dehradun / Haridwar |
Note: | Please send your resume to above email address to apply for this job. |
Job Opportunity | QC Executive in Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited
Job Posted on Mar 6, 2018
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