Job Type: | Walk-in |
Recruiter Type*: | Company |
Company Name*: | Air Calibre Systems |
Interview Venue*: | 21/11 reddys street virugambakkam chennai, tamilnadu 600092 India |
Contact Person*: | P. selvi |
Phone: | 9940450708 |
Email Address: | |
Required in*: | Formulation & API both |
Job Department(s)*: | Engineering |
Job Details*: | Require hvac validation engineer to perform all testing paramaters. engineer should be willing to travel. problem solving skills required. computer and communication skills required. |
Regulatory Exposure*: | Not Required |
Experience: | 0-1 |
Vacancies: | 4 |
Salary Per Annum: | 1.20 L |
Interview Date*: | 30/08/2019 |
Additional Details: | Engineers can contact and attend an interview any day |
Walk-in for Air Calibre Systems on 30/08/2019
Job Posted on Aug 27, 2019
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